


First Baptist Nash exists to bring glory to God through worship,
developing disciples, ministering to the needs of people, and to participate in
reaching the lost in Nash, our nation, and the world.
We want to be known as a "Friendly Church", but more importantly we want
to be family. As we draw closer to God as individuals
we will draw closer as a Family; a church.

Our God is able to do much in us and through us.

Love God. Love others. Proclaim the Gospel.

Are you looking for a local congregation of believers to fellowship with?
Are you wondering about God and the Church?
Are you a place to be with others who are not perfect?

Recent Sermons

  1. Ours sermons are also on our YouTube page

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Gathering Times

Sunday Mornings
Sunday School/         Worship Service
Bible Study                                   
9:15am                    10:30am
Sunday Evenings
Bible Study
Wednesday Evening
                        Fellowship Meal Youth Group/First Kids          
                              5pm                                  Prayer Meeting                      